Hola a todos! Aca les presentamos los tres ganadores del concurso de wallpapers. Les pedimos durante una semana voten por su favorito para designar el 1ro, 2do y 3er puesto. Los puestos se definirán segun quien tenga mas votos para primer lugar y como sigue.
Dichos ganadores recibirán un premio de material oficial de Supernatural que les será entregado en al Convención. De no poder concurrir, se les enviará por correo. Gracias a todos por participar.
Hi! Here we have the three wallpaper contest winners. We are asking you to vote for one of them during a week to chose for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The 1st place will be the one that gets more votes and so on.
Winners will receive Official supernatural merchandise as prize that will be given during the Convention. In case the winner won´t attend the convention, the prize will be sent by mail to his/her home address. Thanks for voting.
Click on them for bigger size
wallpaper 1
Wallpaper 2
Wallpaper 3
Dichos ganadores recibirán un premio de material oficial de Supernatural que les será entregado en al Convención. De no poder concurrir, se les enviará por correo. Gracias a todos por participar.
Hi! Here we have the three wallpaper contest winners. We are asking you to vote for one of them during a week to chose for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The 1st place will be the one that gets more votes and so on.
Winners will receive Official supernatural merchandise as prize that will be given during the Convention. In case the winner won´t attend the convention, the prize will be sent by mail to his/her home address. Thanks for voting.
Click on them for bigger size
wallpaper 1
Wallpaper 2
Wallpaper 3